United in Making Every Act of Kindness Matter!
Join us in Remembering, Honoring and Helping our Veterans!

Making A Difference since 2006

The United Relief Foundation is dedicated to doing good deeds that make tangible, profound and lasting differences in the lives of the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces.

As the United Relief Foundation officers, volunteers, and donors quietly go about Making a Difference by Being the Difference, we welcome others to have a rewarding part in the Foundation’s efforts in Remembering, Honoring, and Helping Veterans in need.

Being united in the service to veterans during their time of need makes a difference by being the difference in serving their immediate care needs, lifting them from despair, renewing their spirits knowing they have not been forgotten, and assisting them to be self-reliant again.

The United Relief Foundation also Remembers and Honors the service and sacrifice of our Fallen Heroes, reserve and active military, and their families.

Air Force veteran John celebrating his first Father's Day

When it comes to helping veterans in their time of need join the United Relief Foundation in Making Life Changing and Life Saving Differences “…coming to our rescue and we will never forget your generosity, support, and dedication as long as we live. God Bless you All! In Gratitude,”
John and Ayana

The Reason to be United in the Service of Those Who Served

17 veterans die by suicide each day, and 11% to 23% of veterans have experienced PTSD within a given year.

More than 1,000,000 veterans live in poverty, and veterans comprise 10.6% of all the homeless.

Veterans experiencing unsheltered homelessness increased by 14.3%, with women veterans being the fastest-growing group in the homeless population.

Single Act of Kindness Resolution Campaign

How your single act of kindness makes a difference for the most vulnerable veterans in need… The lives of the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces that the United Relief Foundation touches in their time of need will benefit from your single act of kindness by helping to lift them from despair, renew their spirits, let them know they have not been forgotten, and assist them on a path to becoming self-reliant and contributing members of their communities. Read more.

Donate Money

Make a Difference with a tax-deductible personal, organization, or company one-time or monthly monetary donation.

Donate Real Estate

Make a Difference with a tax-deductible real estate donation.  All types of real estate in any condition are considered.


Make a Difference by engaging family, friends, classmates, colleagues, or employees in a fundraising activity.

Raise Awareness

Make a Difference by raising awareness using social media to share ideas, information, and insight.