Your Good Deed Will Make a Difference!
Your Making a Difference Good Deed donation will help make a tangible and lasting difference for veterans during their time of need by serving their immediate care needs, lifting them from despair, renewing their spirits knowing they have not been forgotten, and assisting them to be self-reliant again. 90% of Good Deed Monetary Donations goes to veterans needs and 10% to administrate aid.
Make a Difference with Your Good Deed Fundraising Event
Let us know how we can help. makingadifference@unitedrelieffoundation.org
Make a Difference with Your Good Deed Monetary Donation

Make a Difference with Your Good Deed Real Estate Donation
Easy and Rewarding No Cost to You Donation Process to stop hemorrhaging money on unwanted real estate, get a maximum tax deduction, and help our veterans.
Any time of the year, the United Relief Foundation considers all types of real estate in all sorts of conditions. Learn more
One Northbrook Place
5 Revere Drive
Suite 200
Northbrook, IL 60062