Care Comfort Compassion Lifelines

Being United in the service of remembering, honoring and helping the men and women who served in the United States military is how we can show our Veterans they have not been forgotten in their time of need and their service has not been forsaken.

United Relief Foundation Helping Veterans In Need

Making a Difference by Being the Difference!

Responding with Care providing veterans with the personal hygiene products, clothing, food and other basic dignity and wellness essentials.

Responding with Comfort helping veterans secure safe shelter or improve their living conditions.

Responding with Compassion aiding veterans during a critical time of need to overcome a self-reliant or wellbeing hardship, challenge or crisis.

The Reason to be United in the Service of those who Served!

Every year, approximately 200,000 men and women leave U.S. military service and return to life as civilians, a process known as the military to civilian transition. 

11% to 23% of veterans have experienced PTSD within a given year. About 17.2 veterans die by suicide each day, with veterans being 1.5 times more likely to die by suicide than civilians.

According to the VA, 1,107,440 disabled veterans have a 100 percent VA disability rating, which represents 20.44% of the total number of veterans with a service-connected VA rating of 0% or higher.

In 2023, more than 1,000,000 veterans live in poverty and veterans comprise 10.6% of all homeless in the U.S. and are 2x as likely to become homeless versus those who didn’t serve in the military. 

How Your Good Deed Monetary Donation will be used to make tangible and lasting differences.

The most vulnerable veterans the United Relief Foundation serves are those who do not have the financial or physical means to travel to get the help they need.

Offering some care, comfort and compassion to a veteran in need can immediately lift them from despair and renew their spirits knowing they have not been forgotten and assist them on a path to again be self-reliant and contributing members of their communities.

Even though the United Relief Foundation does not provide crisis counseling or services, with the support of United in Service volunteers, donors, partners, and patrons, the United Relief Foundation has the ability to quickly respond to veterans in need of immediate assistance.


Donate Money

Make a Difference with a tax-deductible personal, organization, or company one-time or monthly monetary donation.

Donate Real Estate

Make a Difference with a tax-deductible real estate donation.  All types of real estate in any condition are considered.


Make a Difference by engaging family, friends, classmates, colleagues, or employees in a fundraising activity.

Raise Awareness

Make a Difference by raising awareness using social media to share ideas, information, and insight.

Good Deed monetary donations in any amount will help make a difference in the lives of the veterans.  A monetary donation of $250.00 or more receives a framed United in Service Donor Recognition Certificate and a contribution exceeding $2,500.00 receive special public recognition as a United in Service Patron. 

Data Sources: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Census Bureau Veteran Data, National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, Veteran Benefits Administration FY 2022 Annual Benefits Report, DOL and HHS Poverty Guidelines, 2023 VA Veteran Homeless Statistics.